Archive: » 2013 » March

PoliMinute: A text message from CPAC

If you don’t know who Ted Cruz is, you’re about to. Last weekend, Sen. Cruz (R-TX) gave the keynote address at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), and walked away with 16,000 of the most conservative political activists in the country.

Here’s how:

With one simple request, the senator invited these activists spread his message and amassed a powerful list to support his leadership PAC: Jobs Growth & Freedom Fund. After repeating his call-to-action, the senator’s Facebook and Twitter page included. Within 24 hours, the SMS list over 17,000.

What can we learn from this?

  1. Most Speeches Are Forgettable: Of the thousands of people that heard his speech on-site or online, few people will remember exactly what he said. Using speeches is an effective platform for building your mobile list and remaining connected to your supporters.
  2. Nothing Beats Personal Ask: There many ways to invite people to opt in to your mobile list, such as email, campaign collateral and social media. But nothing will beat person-to-person requests.
  3. Keep Keywords Simple: Sen. Cruz is the common word and is call-to-action to make it memorable and easy to answer. He could have used his name, but people could have easily misspelled it.
  4. Repeat Repeat Repeat: While not everyone can speak at national events like CPAC, repeating a call to action for social media and other tools can extend the return.
  5. Don’t Botch the Opt-in Reply: One mistake Sen. Cruz did make is sending a lackluster message to all those who opted in. The candidate should have sent the link to his PAC or requested further information from the subscribers like their zip code.